Honfleur, the Secrets of the Middle AgesHonfleur (14)In 1050, Herluin de Conteville, father-in-law of William the Conqueror, was cured of a terrible skin disease. Grateful, he decided to found the abbey of Grestain. It is said that an Italian monk was taken in by the monastic congregation. To thank them, Brother Ignatius Sant Emmerano decided to put his talent as a scribe at the service of the abbey. He set about writing several works on neighboring towns in order to keep a trace of their creation, their evolution and their history. Unfortunately, during the Hundred Years' War, these works were stolen and scattered across the four corners of the Kingdom of France. However, wealthy Honfleur bourgeois managed to appropriate the first pages of the manuscript narrating the history of Honfleur. However, thugs have once again managed to steal it and want to destroy it...
Proposé par : Office de Tourisme Communautaire de Honfleur
Tout Public
1h30 / 2.0 km
5 €